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Android vs. iOS: Which App Should You Develop First?


Android vs. iOS: Which App Should You Develop First?

Just imagine: You’ve come up with a million-dollar app idea and are ready to show the world. While fortune and fame will surely be something to brag about, you must first decide whether to develop your app for Android or iOS.

There are a lot of factors to consider, including your budget, timeline, and target audience. In this blog post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Android vs. iOS so that you can make an informed decision about which platform is best for your app.

Android vs. iOS: The Basics

First, let’s talk about the basics of Android vs. iOS. iOS is a mobile operating system created by Apple Inc. It powers the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPad.

On the other hand, Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It powers various devices from different manufacturers, including Samsung, HTC, and Motorola.

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way let’s dive into some of the key differences between Android and iOS.

Benefits of Android

Creating an Andriod app has many benefits, and understanding them can help you understand which one to create first. 

More Devices Means More Potential Customers

There are literally billions of Android devices worldwide. That gives you a vast potential audience for your app.

Low Barriers to Entry

Developing for Android is less expensive and time-consuming than developing for iOS. That’s because there are fewer rules and restrictions when submitting your app to the Google Play Store.

Greater Customization Options 

Android devices come in all shapes and sizes, so you have more flexibility regarding your app’s appearance and function. Using solutions such as Builder.ai can help make customizations to your Andriod app that much easier. 

Disadvantages of Android

While there are many advantages to building an Andriod app, you should also consider the disadvantages.

More Fragmentation Means More Bugs

Because there are so many different types of Android devices on the market, it can be difficult to ensure that your app works correctly on all of them. As a result, you may have to deal with more bugs and crashes.

Lower Profit Margins 

It’s generally harder to make money with an Android app than an iOS app because there are more accessible and low-cost alternatives available on the Google Play Store.

Fewer Design Resources

There are fewer high-quality design resources available for Android developers vs. iOS developers. That means it can be tough to create an attractive and user-friendly Android app without spending a lot of time and money.

Benefits of iOS Pros

Like with an Android, creating an iOS app first has benefits. Here are a few that you should consider. 

Higher Quality Apps

Because fewer apps are available on the App Store and a stricter review process, users expect a higher quality product from iOS apps than from Android apps.

More Engaged Users 

iOS users tend to be more engaged with their apps than Android users, which means they’re more likely to actually use the features and functionality you’ve spent time and money developing.

Greater ROI

Thanks to higher-quality apps and more engaged users, businesses tend to see a greater return on their investment from iOS apps than from Android apps.

Disadvantages of iOS

Developing an app for iOS does come with a few disadvantages. Below are a few that you should factor into your decision of which mobile application to create first. 

Stricter Submission Guidelines

The approval process for the App Store can be lengthy and frustrating, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the guidelines. Apple exercises much more control over what apps are allowed in its store than Google does. App Store reviewers have been known to reject apps for arbitrary reasons or simply because they don’t like them.

More Expensive Development Process 

Developing for iOS generally requires more time and money than developing for Android due to the need for specialized hardware and software resources.

Limited Device Support

Unlike Android, which is available on hundreds of different devices, iOS is only available on Apple products like the iPhone and iPad.

Need Help With Your App Development?

So which app should you develop first, Android vs. iOS? The answer truly depends on your budget, timeline, and target audience. If you want your app to reach as many people as possible, then developing it for both platforms makes sense; however, if you’re working with limited resources, you’ll need to pick one platform and stick with it.

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